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IRS Audits and Attorney General Investigations

FPLG has extensive experience representing nonprofit organizations in crisis due to attorney general investigation or IRS audit

Navigating an IRS audit or investigation by a state attorney general can be a daunting and complex process for any nonprofit leader. At For Purpose Law Group, our attorneys bring a wealth of experience and specialized expertise in nonprofit law, ensuring that your organization receives the highest level of legal support and guidance during such a difficult time.

We understand the unique challenges nonprofits face and are adept at crafting strategic responses that align with your mission and operational needs.

By working with FPLG, you gain access to a legal team committed to safeguarding your organization's integrity and ensuring compliance, allowing you to focus on your core mission without the added stress of regulatory hurdles.

Internal Revenue Service Audits

Experiencing an IRS audit as a nonprofit can be an overwhelming and nerve-wracking process, marked by a thorough examination of your financial records, tax filings, and compliance with federal regulations. From the initial notification, the organization must meticulously gather and present a vast array of documents, including financial statements, donor records, and proof of expenditures, all while ensuring ongoing operations are not disrupted.

The scrutiny of the audit can reveal any inconsistencies or errors, potentially leading to significant penalties or the loss of tax-exempt status. The process often involves detailed questioning and can extend for months, creating a prolonged period of uncertainty and stress for staff and board members. Throughout this ordeal, maintaining transparency, accuracy, and compliance is crucial, and having knowledgeable legal and financial advisors becomes indispensable in navigating the complexities, defending the organization’s practices, and mitigating any potential adverse outcomes.

Attorney General Investigations

Experiencing ab Attorney General investigation of a charity can be a highly stressful and consuming ordeal. From the moment the investigation commences, your organization is subjected to intense scrutiny, requiring meticulous review of financial records, governance policies, and operational procedures.

The process often involves responding to detailed inquiries, producing extensive documentation, and possibly facing interviews with key staff and board members. The stakes are high, as findings can lead to significant legal and financial repercussions, including fines, penalties, or even revocation of tax-exempt status. Throughout this period, the charity’s leadership must balance the demands of the investigation with maintaining daily operations and donor confidence, all under the watchful eye of a powerful regulatory authority. FPLG attorneys have the legal expertise required to help navigate the complexities and protect the organization’s mission and reputation.


I attribute the entire success of my case to Carson’s diligent efforts and negotiation skills and the outstanding services I received from the For Purpose Law Group. I am extremely indebted to this firm’s truly excellent legal representation

Ron Mianini, Board Member
Ron Mianini

For Purpose Law is amazing, we have been doing business with them for over 10 years now and they just get it done and done well. We have used their litigation services with Matt Learned as well as their general business law services and I honestly can not imagine using another law firm. Every situation they have handled has been exemplary and the outcomes have been amazing. Thank you For Purpose Law and Matt we absolutely appreciate you!

Andy Seeley, CEO
Creatively Disruptive

May was absolutely brilliant, incredibly knowledgeable, amazingly insightful. I was so impressed with her consultation. She is an absolute professional!

Noelle Hallman, Founder
Fund Your Future

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